Camden Stay & Play sessions

Three toddlers sitting on the floor, with parents around them


Our universal FREE drop-in play groups are for parents, carers and children under the age of 5 years.

These sessions give children an opportunity to explore and discover through play, providing a safe stimulating environment for families to take part in educational fun activities. Drop in and join us! We look forward to welcoming you.



Fun for all for under fives

St Pancras Community Association, 10am - 12 noon


Toddler time for under ones

St Pancras Community Association, 1.30pm - 3.30pm



Toddler time for under ones

the hall at St Pancras Community Centre, 10am - 11.30am



Fun for all for under fives

Richard Cobden Primary School, 10am - 12 noon



Toddler time

Richard Cobden Primary school, 10am - 12 noon



Fun for all for under fives

St Pancras Community Association, 10am - 12 noon


You can find details of other Stay & Play sessions in Camden on their website ().

Local Services

Happy, healthy, and looking forward to the future? That’s what you and your child deserve. It’s why Camden has developed a complete range of services, designed to offer support during the first months and years of your child’s life.


For lots of local information on the services available in Camden visit the website:    


Camden Health Visiting Team website 


Family information and early years – Camden Council 


Becoming a Parent and Breastfeed Support


Anna Freud Centre â€“ help and support for children and young people struggling with poor mental health.


Financial advice 


Camden Food Bank


Camden Safety Net 

Camden Safety Net provides services to survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual violence who live, work or study in Camden. 


West Hampstead Women’s Centre

Providing confidential advice, support and a safe place for all women within the West Hampstead / Kilburn area of North West London.